Competition Info
As a reminder all projected images should be saved as jpeg files, high resolution, with dimensions of 1600 pixels wide and/or 1200 pixels high. These are maximum dimensions for width or height. See the PDF file below written by Ian Johnson illustrating one way to do this.
Each year there is a mix of open and set subject competitions. Please see the programme page for the subjects for the year.
Competitions are held on the first Wednesday of each month.
Each member may submit 3 Digital Projected Images and 3 Prints which will be judged in two separate categories.
There will be 11 competitions, January – November, followed by a grand final in December. The grand final will use the first 3 DPIs and the first 3 prints from each of the 11 previous competitions. The winner of the grand final for DPIs and the winner for prints will be the the two overall winners for the year.
All members may choose to submit DPIs, prints or both each month. A league table for DPIs and separately league table for prints will also be kept so that there will also be a DPI league winner and a print league winner at the end of the year.
An individual image may only be submitted into the league competitions a maximum of twice. If an image is awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, it cannot be entered again.
Send images to
Note the above email address is exclusively for sending in your images to the competitions. Please use for all other communications with the committee.
Each month you will be given a deadline, and images not received by the deadline may not get into the competition for that month.
When sending in your images, please name them as follows: “Title + by + Your Name.jpg”.
Example: Pink Elephants by Frank Lee.jpg
Image size should be 1600×1200 pixels. if your image is not 4:3 ratio please make the longest side 1600.
If you are putting in prints, please bring them along on the night. The jpeg must also be sent to the Competition Secretary by the deadline as it is required for viewing on the night.